Tracy Scott 88 (TS088) PaperArtsy A5 Cling Rubber Stamp Set

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Tracy Scott 88 (TS088) PaperArtsy A5 Cling Rubber Stamp Set

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Product Information

Tracy Scott 88 (TS088) PaperArtsy A5 Cling Rubber Stamp Set. Tracy produces glorious bright and cheerful journalling pages full of doodles and bold imagery. These stamps represent her vibrant, creative style perfectly, and are useful not just for journalling, but also for cards, scrap-booking and your preferred style of mixed media creativity. A5 Rubber Sheet (5" x 7") presented in hanging bag, with laminated index sheet. Each image individually machine trimmed on EZ mount cling foam. Manufactured by PaperArtsy from their workshop in the South-West of France.

Product CodeTS088

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