Tracy Evans Historic and Pre-recorded Online Classes (Up to Summer 2021)

Tracy Evans Historic and Pre-recorded Online Classes (Up to Summer 2021)

Tracy Evans' online classes have proved really popular. You will find below the categories we set up for the first 50 that Tracy ran up to summer 2021 (Give or take one or 2).

Stampers Grove have product categories set up where you can get many of the products that you will find useful if attending one of these classes. To book your place on these classes email You will find lots of additional information on Tracy's Facebook Group: tracy evans - craft addicts - create, share, inspire 

Stampers Grove full Tracy Evans collection can be found  here. Our full Aall and Create collection can be found  here.

Note: we are not ordering Aall and Create products any more. While stocks last you will find some good bargains.


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